00 02 025 Slightly Hungry Wery Hungry 02 08 Hungry 0083 025 Home Restaurant 10 Pts Examine Q37152977

00.. 0.2 0.25 Slightly Hungry Wery Hungry Not 0.2 0.8 Hungry 00.83 0.25 Home Restaurant (10 pts) Examine the hidden markov mo

00.. 0.2 0.25 Slightly Hungry Wery Hungry Not 0.2 0.8 Hungry 00.83 0.25 Home Restaurant (10 pts) Examine the hidden markov model. Please describe what it is trying to represent, and what in- formation about this system its structure and probabilities tell you (4 pts) Given that the hidden state is “not hungry” at time t- 1, what is the probability that the hidden state is “slightly hungry” at time t 3? Show transcribed image


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