1 10 Points Define List Product Sqrts Takes List Non Negative Numbers Returns Product Squa Q37064353

1. (10 points)

Define list-product-sqrts which takes a list of non-negativenumbers and returns the product of their square roots.

Example: (list-product-sqrts (list 4 9)) 6

2. 10 points

Define a Scheme function that return the reverse of it inputlist parameters.

Example: (reverse ‘(1 4 6)) => (list 6 41)

3.   10 points

Define a Scheme function that takes two list representing setsand returns a list representing the unions of the sets.

Example: (union (list 1 2 3 4) (list 6 4 8 2)) (1 2 3 4 6 8)



;Answer 1: Define list-product-sqrts which takes a list ofnon-negative numbers and returns the product of their squareroots.



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