1 60 Pts Convert Following Numbers 32 Bit Ieee 745 Floating Format Need Include Calculatio Q37213041

1. (60 pts) Convert the following numbers into 32-bit IEEE 745floating format. You need to include all calculation steps in orderto get full credit. Before submission, you could verify your finalanswer here:https://www.h-schmidt.net/FloatConverter/IEEE754.html

C. +280


280.0 in simple binary => 100011000.0so, 280.0 in normal binary is 100011000.0 => 1.00011 * 2^8single precision:——————–sign bit is 0(+ve)exp bits are (127+8=135) => 10000111frac bits are 00011000000000000000000so, 280.0 in single-precision format is 0 10000111 00011000000000000000000in hexadecimal it is 0x438C0000

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