1 Closed Loop Control System Shown Figure 1 Determine Closed Loop Transfer Function T S Y Q37146478

1. A closed-loop control system is shown in Figure 1 (a) Determine the closed-loop transfer function T(s) = Y(s) / R (s) (b)S

1. A closed-loop control system is shown in Figure 1 (a) Determine the closed-loop transfer function T(s) = Y(s) / R (s) (b)Sketch a signal flow graph or block diagram model for the system and determine its state variable model in both the Phase Variable Canonical Form and the Input Feedforward Canonical Form. ControllerVoltage V1(s) Velocity V(s) Ys) Position Figure 1. A closed-loop control system’s Block Diagram Show transcribed image text 1. A closed-loop


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