1 Create Fictlonal Company Product Around Artificlal Intelligence Cognitlve Computing Appl Q37118306

1. Create a fictlonal company or product (or both) around Artificlal Intelligence, the cognitlve computing applicatlons. 2. D

1. Create a fictlonal company or product (or both) around Artificlal Intelligence, the cognitlve computing applicatlons. 2. Descrlbe the company In context of major concepts we’ve dlscussed thls semester. Select at least 3. Information Security Privacy and ethlcs Soclal computing Buslness Analytlcs Data and knowledge management – Telecommunlcatlons and networking WIreless and moble 3. Complete a Porter’s 5 forces of competitlon model for the new Industry 4. Identify which strategy your company would use to compete Show transcribed image


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