1 Create Function Called Findme Handle Click Button S Click Event 2 Findme Function Use In Q37068966

//* 1. Create a function called findMe() to handle the
//* “Click Me” button’s on click event.
//* 2. In the findMe() function, use input boxes “First Number”and
//* “Second Number” to receive user input.
//* 3. Output the bigger number to the form text box “output”
//* 4. function creation –
//* Use button to handle the event –
//* Use text boxes for input and output –
//* Insert your JavaScript answer for Question 3 from nextline:

Must use this form:

<FORM NAME=”myform”>
Click here:<INPUT TYPE=”button” VALUE=”Click Me” ><BR>
First Number: <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”input1″ VALUE=””SIZE=10> <BR>
Second Number: <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”input2″ VALUE=””SIZE=10> <BR>
<INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”output” VALUE=”” SIZE=10> isbigger!<BR>


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