1 Csc331 Data Structures Bmcc Cuny Spring 2019 Professor Byron Program 4 Specifications Pr Q37108982

1 CSC331: Data Structures – BMCC/CUNY Spring 2019 ProfessorByron Program #4 specifications: Priority queue (revised 4-3-2019:input value clarification) Your task for this assignment is todevelop a computer repair scheduling application. The applicationwill use an array-based heap to implement a priority queue datastructure in C++. This will be accomplished utilizing auser-defined class. Late submissions will be accepted for a maximumof half credit one week after the due date. Submissions that areover one week late will be evaluated but will receive no credit. 1.Implement a transaction-based priority queue data structure usingC++. The program will be interactive. Data transactions will beentered at the


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