1 First Screenshot Right Initial Rendering Prob1html Textbox First Number Name Num1 Second Q37285273

1. The first screenshot at right is theinitial rendering of prob1.html. The textboxfor the first number has name=”num1″, andthat for the second number has name=”num2″.All the radio buttons have name=”op”. Thevalues of the radio buttons are, respectively,”add”, “sub”, “mul”, and “div”. A radiobutton can be selected not only by clickingdirectly on it but also by clicking its label. Notethat the radio buttons are all inside a fieldsetwith a legend.It is expected that the user will enter numbersinto the two textboxes then clickSubmit, which sends a GET request toprob1.php.The second screenshot shows theform with numbers 2 and 3 entered. The thirdscreenshot


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