1 Following Line Java Code Int E 27182 Results Compile Time Error Incompatible Type Execut Q37138863

1. The following line of Java code

int e = 2.7182;

results in …

  1. A compile-time error
  2. an “incompatible type” execution error

2. Every Java application…

  1. is interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine from a”*.java” file.
  2. built as a standalone program must have a single mainmethod in one of the classes contained in the application’s sourcecode.
  3. uses garbage collection in the compilationstage.

3. A staticmethod…      

  1. belongs to the class rather than to an instantiated”object” of the class.
  2. can call non-static instance methods.
  3. cannot return a value.


1.A compile-time error2.uses garbage collection in the compilation stage.3.belongs to the class rather than to an instantiated “object” of the class.

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