1. A functional interface…
A) can have any number of abstract methods
B) can be used as a target for a lambda expression
C) can implement any number of methods other than the ‘default’and ‘static’ types
D) requires the @AbstractInterface annotation so the compilercan recognize it
2. In a generic class genericClass<T>…
A) inner generic classes with the type parameter T are notallowed (i.e., innerClass<T>)
B) it is possible to instantiate arrays of generic type T (i.e.,EClass<T>[] genArray = newEClass<T>{10};)
C) constructors have to be declared as: genericClass<T>(zero or more parameter list…)
D) generic object initializations are allowed (i.e.,EClass<T> ref = newEClass<T>(var))
3. The following piece of code: