1 Fyroff Consultants Leading Software Consulting Firm United States Decides Launch Enterpr Q37128975

1- Fyroff consultants,a leading software consulting firm in the United States, decides tolaunch an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution. The companychooses the brand name FyroffEnterprise for the new solution.However, when the company attempts to register the domain name, itfinds that a small unknown firm is already registered under thesame domain name. The small firm is now attempting to sell thedomain name to Fyroff. Which of the following terms refers to thispractice of buying a domain name only to sell it for big bucks?

Select one:

a. cybersquatting

b. logic bombing

c. cyberbullying

d. bot herding

e. cyberstalking

2- Which of the following core competencies is


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