1 Given Following Generic Program Var Avar Avar 10 Sub1 Function Sub1 Sub2 Print Avar Avar Q37150900

1) Given the following ‘generic’ program.

var aVar;

aVar = 10;


function sub1 ()



    Print (“ aVar = “ aVar + “n”);


function sub2()


   var aVar;

   aVar = 4;


What would be output under static-scoping rules?

What would be output under dynamic-scoping rules?


Discuss and compare the following memory allocation strategiesfor variables, give an example of how Java and/or Python useseach:

  1. Stack-Dynamic
  2. Explicit Heap-Dynamic
  3. Implicit Heap-Dynamic

3) What is a descriptor? What are the required entries in a Javaarray descriptor for an int and when must they be stored(compile-time or run-time)? Compare this to a Python descriptor foran int.

4) Identify and explain the two common problemswith C++ pointers?


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