1 Given Following Problem Description Identify Java Classes Identify Inheritance Would Use Q37111117

1-Given the following problem description identify the Javaclasses and identify where inheritance would be useful. (namesuperclass and subclasses)

A veterinarian needs a program to keep track of patients. Theveterinarian treats cows, horses and pigs. Each has a unique set ofvaccinations and possible treatments. The patient list shouldinclude all animals, but when selected display unique informationabout each animal.


Given the following two classes (Parent and Child) what would beprinted if the following two lines were called:

Child c = new Child(2, “Name”);


public class Parent
   private int value1;
   protected String value2;

   public Parent(int v1, String v2)
     value1 = v1;
     value2 = v2;



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