1 Let X Y X Y E 0 1 Xl Ly X Y Construct Cfg 2 Construct Pda Use Conversion Cfg2pda Expl Q37110693

1. Let A-(x#y: x, y E {0, 1), |xl-ly| and x y). Construct a CFG for A. 2. Construct a PDA for A. Do not use the conversion C1. Let A-(x#y: x, y E {0, 1)’, |xl-ly| and x y). Construct a CFG for A. 2. Construct a PDA for A. Do not use the conversion CFG2PDA. Explain a strategy to use nondeterminism and the stack to recognise A, then draw the diagram of the PDA 3. Let B = {0’11; i关 and 2iメj). Construct a CFG for B. Hint: write B as the union of 3


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