1 Package Algs11 3 Import Stdlibstdout 5 Import Javautilarrays 2 Problem 4 Implementation Q37046423


1 package algs11; 3-import stdlib.stdout; 5 import java.util.Arrays; 2

PROBLEM 4: The implementation of terribleFibonacci is TERRIBLE! Write a between e and n at most once. Comment: You will want

1 package algs11; 3-import stdlib.stdout; 5 import java.util.Arrays; 2 PROBLEM 4: The implementation of terribleFibonacci is TERRIBLE! Write a between e and n at most once. Comment: You will want to use a local variable of type “long” rather than * more efficient version of fibonacci which computes each fibonacci number * type “int”, for the reasons discussed above. public static void runFibonacci ()


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