1 Prog Dcs Strnts Terminal Regular Expression Floatdcl Intdcl Intdcl Id Print P Id 6 Stmts Q37054766

1 Prog-DCs Strnts $ Terminal Regular Expression floatdcl intdcl I intdcl id print p id 6 Stmts- Stmt Simts 8 Strnt →id assi1 Prog-DCs Strnts $ Terminal Regular Expression floatdcl intdcl I intdcl id print “p” id 6 Stmts- Stmt Simts 8 Strnt →id assign Val Expr 10 Expr → plus Val Expr assign ” plus minus inum [0-91 fnum 0-9.0-91 blank (“” 2 I print id I minus Val Expr 12 13 Vai -id 14 15 I inum I fnum (Derivation and parse tree) Consider the above ac grammar, show the derivation and it parse tree


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