1 Result Following Process User Enters Guest Username Help Password Username Guest Passwor Q37291368

1) what will be a result of the following process, if userenters “Guest” for UserName and “help” for Password? If UserName =”Guest” And Password = “hello” Then Messagebox.Show (” WelcomeGuest!”) Else Messaebox.Show (“Invalid UserName/Password!”) End IfAnswer: 2) what will be a result of the following process, if userenters “Student” for UserName? If UserName = “Guest” And Password =”hello” Then Messagebox.Show (” Welcome”) Else Messaebox.Show(“Invalid UserName”) End If Answer: 3) Examine the following code.What will be the value of the variable Y? Dim X, Y As Integer X=100Select Case X Case Is < 0 Case 0 Y = 10 Case 1


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