1 Start Top Move Downwards Adjacent Number 2 Allowed Walk Downwards Diagonally 3 Walk Non Q37064892

1. You will start from the top and move downwards to an adjacentnumber as in below.

2. You are only allowed to walk downwards and diagonally.

3. You can only walk over NON PRIME NUMBERS.

4. You have to reach at the end of the pyramid as much aspossible.

According to above rules the maximum sum of the numbers from topto bottom in below example is 24.


*8 4

2 *6 9

8 5 *9 3

As you can see this has several paths that fits the rule of NOTPRIME NUMBERS; 1>8>6>9, 1>4>6>9, 1>4>9>91 + 8 + 6 + 9 = 24. As you see 1, 8, 6,


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