1 Supports Services Necessary Allow System Services Executed User Space Run Max Kernel B Q37118854

1). The _____ supports only those services that are necessary toallow other system services (executed in user space) to run.

a. max-kernel

b. micro-kernel

c. mini-kernel

d. macro-kernel

2). _____ means having multiple programs (processes) running onone processor, whereas multiprocessing means having multipleprocessors. _____ typically refers to multiple processes frommultiple users, whereas multithreading generally refers to multiplethreads from one user process.

a. Multi-GUI

b. Multi-programming

c. Multi-flow

d. Multi-CPU

3). _____ saves disk space, results in fewer system errors, andallows for code sharing. However, _____ can cause load-time delays,and if dynamic link library routines are changed, others usingmodified libraries could end up with difficult bugs to trackdown.

a. Dynamic linking

b. Static


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