1 Type Clause Student X Registered X Y University Y Fact B Rule C Question D None 2 Prol Q37136186

1.  What type of clause is:
student(X):-registered(X,Y), university(Y).

A. fact

B. rule

C. question

D. none of the above

2. In Prolog, semicolon can be used to: (Please make more thanone selection if needed.)

[] to force Prolog

[] to denote conjunction

[] to denote disjunction

[] to suppress the matching process

3. When Prolog backtracks to a goal, it tries to re-satisfy itfrom the beginning of the program.

[] true

[] false

4. Consider the following relation:


Select all possible answers to the following question (findingsome of them might require typing a semicolon andbacktracking):

?-arc(X, Y), arc(Y,Z). (Please make more than one selection ifneeded.)

[] X = a,

Y = Z, Z = b

[] X = a,

Y =


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