10 Points Find Total Time Delay Following Program Done Note Microcontroller Running 40mhz Q37069781

(10 points) Find the total time delay of the following program when it is done. (Note: This microcontroller is running on 40M0X03 MOVLW MOV COUNTI WF LI MOVLW COUNT2 COUNT2, F STATUS, Z MOVWF L2 DECF BTFSS NOP GOTO DECF BTFSS GOTO し2 COUNT1, F STATUS(10 points) Find the total time delay of the following program when it is done. (Note: This microcontroller is running on 40MHz resonator.) 4. 0X03 MOVLW MOV COUNTI WF LI MOVLW COUNT2 COUNT2, F STATUS, Z MOVWF L2 DECF BTFSS NOP GOTO DECF BTFSS GOTO し2 COUNT1, F STATUS,


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