11 20 Pts Using Shortcutfoo Learn Commands Pass Tests Window Management File Management Pr Q37114707

1.I.1. [20 pts] Using ShortcutFoo, learn the commandsand pass the tests for “Window Management” and “File Management.”After doing so, print the vim dojo page as a PDF for submissionwith your homework to prove that you completed the first tenlessons successfully.

No answer needed here. Instead, submit your PDF throughCanvas.

Sheldon: Since we have got lots of practice on VIM/VI,so let’s skip this part, but take it as granted points to earn 🙂

Part 2: Lecture Homework

2.I. BMP files and hex editing [62 pts] Timespent:_________

In this assignment we will work with an interactiveeditor that allows both text editing and hex editing. If you areusing


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