11 Save Following File Manage Php Folder Fill Blanks Necessary Complete Highlighted Tasks Q37044290

Complete the BOLD part of this PHP code.

11. Save the following file as manage php in the folder. Fill in the blanks where necessary and complete all the highlighte

11. Save the following file as “manage php” in the folder. Fill in the blanks where necessary and complete all the highlighted tasks <?php require_once (“connect.php”) Soperation-s_POST [“operation” ) /* fill in the blank */ if( – echo “<h2>List all users’ name and IDs</h2>” squery-“write a query tolist all users’ names and their IDs”; Sresult-emysl_query (Squery); if (Sresult) echo “<table border-‘1’>”; echo “<trxth»User Name </th><th>User ID </th>x/tr>” while


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