12 Starting Node Apply Bfs Algorithm Q37029887

1.2 Starting from node A apply BFS algorithm. 같 :@1.2 Starting from node A apply BFS algorithm. 같 :@ Show transcribed image text 1.2 Starting from node A apply BFS algorithm. 같 :@


BFS pseudo code:-



Visited[v] = 1

add(v,Q)// Q is queue

while (Q is not empty)


x = delete(Q)


for all w adjacent to x


if(w is not visited)


visited[w] = 1





Applying above algorithm we get:-

Delete B y Delete D y Delete C Delete E Delete-G lDelete H Delete. F Ul, Here,while Oop stop,s

Delete B y Delete D y Delete C Delete E Delete-G lDelete H Delete. F


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