2 10 Points Instruction 2 Ldur X1 X2 0 Instruction 1 Beq R2 R3 Label 21 Exceptions Instruc Q37091866

2. (10 points) Instruction 2 | LDUR X1,X2 #0 Instruction 1 BEQ R2,R3, Label 2.1 Which exceptions can each of these instructio

2. (10 points) Instruction 2 | LDUR X1,X2 #0 Instruction 1 BEQ R2,R3, Label 2.1 Which exceptions can each of these instructions trigger? For each of these exceptions, specify the pipeline stage in which it is detected. 2.2 If there is a separate handler address for each exception, show how the pipeline organization must be changed to be able to handle this exception. You can assume that the addresses of these handlers are known when


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