2 Assume Sp 0x20001010 Following Instructions Executed Mov R0 0 Mov R1 1 Mov R2 2 Push R0 Q37081550

2. Assume SP = 0x20001010 before the following instructions areexecuted:

MOV R0, #0

MOV R1, #1

MOV R2, #2

PUSH {R0, R1, R2}

After these instructions execute:

What is the value of the SP? _________________

What is the value of the following memory locations (place X inthe blank if it cannot be calculated):

Address 32-bit Data

0x2000101C ____________

0x20001018 ____________

0x20001014 ____________

0x20001010 ____________

0x2000100C ____________

0x20001008 ____________

0x20001004 ____________

0x20001000 ____________

3. For the following code, calculate the number of instructioncycles required to execute the following

code, using the pipeline rules in class, including the time tocall this function with BL bro8 and the time

to return from the function with BX LR. You can assume that thepipeline


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