2 Blurring Sinusoidal Grating Object Fxy Cos 2tx Imaged Defocused Single Lens Imaging Syst Q37073529

2) Blurring a Sinusoidal Grating. An object fx.y) - cos (2Tx/a) is imaged by a defocused single-lens imaging system whose imp

2) Blurring a Sinusoidal Grating. An object fx.y) – cos (2Tx/a) is imaged by a defocused single-lens imaging system whose impulse response function h(x,y) within a square of width D, and 0 elsewhere. Derive an expression for the distribution of the image g(x,0) in the x direction. Derive an expression for the contrast of the image in terms of the ratio D/a. The contrast-(max – min)/(max min), where max and min are the maximum and minimum


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