2 File Following Mapping Offset 0123 45 6789 10 112 13 50 515253 24 25 21 43 4460 662 Addr Q37148463

2. A file has the following mapping Offset 0123 45 6789 10 112 13 50 515253 24 25 21 43 4460 662 Address Draw a Master File T

Standard File name D Info about data blocks info header header header Run #1 Run #2 Run #3 Header Record header Standard info

2. A file has the following mapping Offset 0123 45 6789 10 112 13 50 515253 24 25 21 43 4460 662 Address Draw a Master File Table record showing the runs and block streams (Similar to Fig. 11-41) Give the MFT run


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