2 Given Following Three Transactions T1 R1 X W1 Y T2 R2 Z R2 Y W2 Y W2 X T3 R3 Z W3 X R3 Y Q37197703

2. Given the following three transactions

T1 = r1(x); w1(y);
T2 = r2(z); r2(y); w2(y); w2(x);

T3 = r3(z); w3(x); r3(y);

Consider the schedule
S = r1(x); r3(z); r2(z); w3(x); r2(y); r3(y); w2(y); w1(y);w2(x);

a. Draw the precedence graph of schedule S, and label each edgewith data item(s).
b. Based on the precedence graph, determine whether S is conflictserializable and justify your answer. If it is serializable,specify all possible equivalent serial schedule(s).


乙 TL 21(y PCY) Wer w Cx) whe , det wii-....(nu(4.t. .fwmT; 已nnn, i s T 1

乙 TL 21(y PCY) Wer w Cx) whe , det wii-….(nu(4.t. .fwmT; 已nnn,’ i


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