2 Vectors Math Quantities Magnitude Direction Problem Involves Use Two Dimensional Vectors Q37065868

2. Vectors are math quantities that have bothmagnitude and direction. This problem involves the use oftwo-dimensional vectors – here are the math details:

  • A two-dimensional vector is a directed linesegment from the origin of the xy-plane to a point,(a,b). This vector is denoted<a,b>.
  • Vector addition/subtraction: Two vectors canbe added or subtracted resulting in a vector:

<a,b> + <c,d> =<a+c,b+d> or<a,b> – <c,d> =<ac,bd>

  • Vector dot product: Two vectors can bemultiplied resulting in a number – this operation is called the dotproduct of two vectors: <a,b> *<c,d> = ac+bd
  • Vector/scalar multiplication: A vector can bemultiplied by a scalar (a number) resulting in avector; for any scalar

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