20 Pts Translate Following High Level Code Legv8 Assembly Code Double Cm2inches Double Cm Q37104873

4. [20 pts] Translate the following high-level code to LEGv8 assembly code: double cm2inches (double cm) { return (2.54 x cm)

[20 pts]Translate the following high-level code to LEGv8assembly code:

double cm2inches(double cm){

return (2.54 × cm);


Assume cm is in D12, return result in D0, and the constant is inglobal memory space (Base addr: X27, offset:#8)

4. [20 pts] Translate the following high-level code to LEGv8 assembly code: double cm2inches (double cm) { return (2.54 x cm); Assume cm is in D12, return result in DO, and the constant is in global memory space (Base addr: X27, offset#8) Show transcribed


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