223 Suppose Program Counter Pc Set 0x2000 0000 2231 5 Range Addresses Reached Using Legv8 Q37136878

2.23 Suppose the program counter (PC) is set to 0x2000 0000

2.23.1 [5] <§2.10> What range of addresses can be reachedusing the LEGv8 branch (B) instruction? (In other words what is theset of possible values for the PC after the branch instructionexecutes?)

2.23.2 [5] <§2.10> What range of addresses can be reachedusing the LEGv8 conditional branch-on-equal (CBZ) instruction? (Inother words what is the set of possible values for the PC after thebranch instruction executes?)

Please tell me how to make the right paste.


2.23.1For unconditional branches LEGv8 uses B-type instruction format asbelow:



           OPCODE(6 bits) ADDRESS (26 bits)

Hereaddress specifies


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