23 Pts Pixel Power Integers Fro Digital Images Ofen Oolor Apxli Withls Labfiaal Folder Cre Q37081378

i (23 pts) Pixel Power Integers fro Digital Images are ofen the oolor of apxli Withls your LabFiaal folder, create a new claei (23 pts) Pixel Power Integers fro Digital Images are ofen the oolor of apxli Withls your LabFiaal folder, create a new clae ed Pis L. (S pts) Within the Pizele clam, write a method named priatkey thas taka rectanguiar 2D element separated by a space and a new line aher each row. Fr emple, you call the method with the 2D array angut1(, 2. 3). 14, , , the method should print 2 (15


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