24 Characteristic Dictionary Array Ordered Pairs S Set Single Values S Set Ordered Pairs A Q37116927

24. what is characteristic of a dictionary?

  • Its an array of ordered pairs
  • It’s a set of single values
  • It’s a set of ordered pairs
  • Its an array of single values

25. what is the output to the terminal given the dictionarydefined in this pseudocode?

D = ()                                                    (‘first1’,’second 2, ‘third 3)

D[‘first’] =1                                         (1, 2, 3)

D[‘second’] =2                                   (‘first’,’second’,’third’)

D[‘third’] =3                                       [first: 1, second: 2, third:3]


26. A tree has these characteristics

Each node has a unique comparable key and an associatedvalue

Each key in any node is larger then the keys in all nodes inthat node’s left subtree.

Each key in any node is smaller than the keys in all nodes inthat node’s right


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