2440 Binary Number 2 Convert Show Steps Answer Q37200288

2440 into a binary number ( 2. Convert show the steps) Answer

2440 into a binary number ( 2. Convert show the steps) Answer Show transcribed image text 2440 into a binary number ( 2. Convert show the steps) Answer


(244)10 converting into binary number:

Binary number is expressed in base -2 and used 0’s and 1’s.

To convert into binary number

Divide number successively until the quotient is 0.

244÷2=122. Remainder-0

122÷2=61. Remainder-0

61÷2=30 Remainder-1

30÷2= 15. Remainder-0

15÷2=7. Remainder-1

7÷2=3. Remainder-1

3÷2=1. Remainder-1

1÷2=0. Remainder-1

Taking all the remainders starting from the bottom of the listand constructed as 11110100

So, (224)10=(11110100)2

Thank you….

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