263 Use Goal Seek 264 265 Create User Defined Function 266 Use Pivot Table 267 40 Index Da Q37063124

263 use goal seek 264 265 create a user defined function 266 use a pivot table 267 40 -INDEX(Data, MATCH ROWINDIRECT1:&ROWS(263 use goal seek 264 265 create a user defined function 266 use a pivot table 267 40 -INDEX(Data, MATCH ROWINDIRECT1:”&ROWS(Data))-1,coUNTIF(Data, “s”&Data),O)) 268 Write out, in several steps, what the above formula does, from beginnig to end: 269 270 271 Short Answer 272 1 IFin-0,0,SUMIFMODIROWONDIRECTC1 “&COUNT(Data))1.n)-0,Data, Explain what the above does 273 274 275 2 What is the name of the function that references data from a pivot table 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283


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