2a Write Portion Computer Program Language Generate Print Six Lowercase Letter Passwords S Q37024758

2a. Write a portion of a computer program (in any language) thatwill generate and print all six lowercase letter passwords. Showyour code.

b. How many passwords does this generate?


class Solution


    public static voidmain(String[]args)


        inta, b, c,d, e, f;


        // store the no ofpasswords generated

        int count= 0;


        // for firstletter

       for( a = 97; a <= 122 ;a++ )


           // for second letter

           for( b = 97; b <= 122 ;b++ )


               // for third letter

               for( c = 97; c <= 122 ;c++ )


                   // for fourth letter

                  for( d = 97; d <= 122 ;d++ )


                       // for fifth letter

                       for( e = 97; e


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