2course Project Part 3 Part W3 Project Focus Tcp Ip Services Network Design Using South Un Q37055310

2.Course Project—Part 3

In this part of W3 Project, you will focus onTCP/IP services in network design.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet,research TCP/IP services.

Based on your research and in continuing with the course projectassignment components from Week 1 and Week 2,complete the following tasks:

  • Create a logical network design that includes:
    • Traffic patterns generated by your design
    • Servers to handle workload
    • Access to the network
    • Firewall requirements
    • Services provided—e-mail, user groups, network browser, anddial-in or virtual private network (VPN) access through theInternet.
  • Based on the updates to your network design, update the vendorand costs table that you updated in W2Project.
  • Add a logical network design diagram

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