2pts Exercise 1 Given Following Artificial Neural Network Perceptron C1 Wi W2 4 T2 W3 71ys Q37144825

[2pts] Exercise 1 Given the following artificial neural network (Perceptron) C1 WI W2 4 T2 W3 71ys) T3 Simulate a complete it

[2pts] Exercise 1 Given the following artificial neural network (Perceptron) C1 WI W2 4 T2 W3 71ys) T3 Simulate a complete iteration of the perceptron-learning algorithm using three learning samples The learning step is set to 0.1and the initial weights are 1 W2 2 and ws 1 .1.5pts] Exercise 2: Complete the following Bayesian Networks if possible 2. Smoke totoxic products (E) Cancer 3. Provide the corresponding joint probability formulas. [1.5pts] Exercise 3: In a


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