3 20 Points Open Addressing Double Hashing H K Hi K Ih2 K Mod M Hi K H2 K Auxiliary Functi Q37105839

3. (20 points) In open addressing with double hashing, we have h(k,i) hi(k)+ih2(k) mod m, where hi(k) and h2(k) is an auxilia

3. (20 points) In open addressing with double hashing, we have h(k,i) hi(k)+ih2(k) mod m, where hi(k) and h2(k) is an auxiliary functions. In class we saw that h2(k) and m should not have any common divisors (other than 1). Explain what can go wrong if h2(k) and m have a common divisor. In particular, consider following scenario: m- 16, h(k) k mod (m/8) and h2(k)-m/2 and the keys are ranged from 0 to 15.


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