3 Axiomatic Semantics 40 Points Total Shown Minic Ver 2 Code Fragment Proposed Axiomatic S Q37163077

3. (Axiomatic Semantics) 40 points total. Shown below is a minic (Ver 2) code fragment and a proposed axiomatic semantic repr

3. (Axiomatic Semantics) 40 points total. Shown below is a minic (Ver 2) code fragment and a proposed axiomatic semantic representation with postcondition Q given and (P to be de- termined. Assume all minic code fragments are syntacticalty correct and execute and terminate. The parentheses, where used, disambiguate the ex- pressions Using the Axioms for Command Sequencing and Assignment, de- termine {P) in the space below. Explicitly show the use of each ariom i credit is


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