3 Convert 91f16 Base 2 4 Convert 91510 Base 16 Q37038444

3. Convert 91F16 to base 2 4. Convert 91510 to base 16.3. Convert 91F16 to base 2 4. Convert 91510 to base 16. Show transcribed image text 3. Convert 91F16 to base 2 4. Convert 91510 to base 16.



(91F)16 = (?)2

91F= (1001 0001 1111)2 // every single digitor character of hexadecimal take 4 binary bits

// 9=1001

// 1=0001

// F=15=1111


first convert 915 into binary


then convert into hexadecimal

so create 4 bits binary pair

(1110010011)2 = 0011 1001 0011


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