3 Doubly Linked Lists 15 Points 31 Textbook S Code Doubly Linked List Class Included Lab F Q37146302

3. Doubly-linked lists (15 points)

3.1. The textbook’s code for a doubly-linked list class isincluded with the lab files. You will notchange the DoublyLinkedList.java file. You will createanother .java file with your own main program that uses the classesfrom DoubleLinkedList.java.

Use this to create an Integer doubly-linked list DLL1:

5 <-> 2 <-> 3 <-> 8 <-> 1 <-> 7<-> 2 <-> 7 <-> 9 <-> 2 <-> 1.

3.2. Output all the values from the DLL1 to the console.

3.3. Using DLL1.removeFirst(), make a copy of the list to a newdoubly-linked list, DLL2.

3.4. Output all the values from DLL2 to the console.

3.5. Using DLL2.removeLast(),


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