3a Explain Trade Present Reordering Disk Requests Minimize Seek Time Assume Takes 2 Ms Rea Q37219693

3a. Explain the trade-off present when reordering disk requeststo minimize seek time.

Assume that it takes 2 ms for the read-write head to move 1track on the disk.

b. Compute the amount of seek time necessary to move theread-write head in a FCFS fashion with the read-write head startingat track 7 based on the following sequence:

Track 14, Track 2, Track 9, Track 18, Track 20

c. Compute the amount of seek time necessary for the abovesequence to move the read-write head in a SSTF fashion.

d. Assume that the cost of reordering the tracks is 10 ms. Willthe reordering be cost effective in this


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