49 Exercise Examine Data Dependences Affect Execution Basic 5 Stage Pipeline Described Cod Q37121270

4.9 In this exercise, we examine how data dependences affect execution in the basic 5-stage pipeline described in COD Section

4.9 In this exercise, we examine how data dependences affect execution in the basic 5-stage pipeline described in COD Section 4.5 (An overview of pipelining). Problems in this exercise refer to the following sequence of instructions: or rl, r2, r3 or r2, ri, r4 or ri, ri, r2 Also, assume the following cycle times for each of the options related to forwarding With Full Forwarding With ALU-ALU Only 250ps 300ps 290ps 4.9.1 [10] <COD ยง4.5-indicate dependences and


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