4kb Sector 7200rpm 2ms Average Seek Time 80mb S Transfer Rate 04ms Controller Overhead Ave Q37247690

4KB sector, 7200RPM, 2ms average seek time, 80MB/s transferrate, 0.4ms controller overhead, average waiting time in queue is 1second. What is the estimated time to access this sector on thisHard Drive Disk? (The result should be given in ms)


Time to access sector = seek time + average rotational time+controller overhead + sector read time+ waiting time in queue

Seek time = 2ms

average rotational time = 7200/60=120 rev per second or 8.3 revper ms, average is half of that 8.3/2 =4.15 ms

Controller overhead= 0.4ms

Sector read time= 4*2^10/(80*2^20) seconds

=0.048 ms

Waiting time in queue = 1sec=1000ms

Time to access sector= 2+4.15+0.4+0.048+1000

= 1006.598ms

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