5 Points Question 1 Advantages Linked Lists Arrays Disadvantages 10 Points Question 2 B Fo Q37156991

[5 points] Question #1 What advantages do linked lists have over arrays? What disadvantages do they have? [ 10 points] Questi

please i need help with this work

[5 points] Question #1 What advantages do linked lists have over arrays? What disadvantages do they have? [ 10 points] Question #2 A) B) What does the following code print? Draw a picture of the linked list after each line. Assume it is a doubly linked list. LinkedList<String> staff= new LinkedListくString> (); staff.addFirst (“Harry)i staff.addLast (“Diana” staff.addFirst (“Tom”) System.out.printin (staff.removeLast )) System.out.printin (staff.removeFirsto) System.out.printin (staff.removeLast 0); //Line 1 //Line 2


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