62 Make Following Improvements Updates Class Created 61 Use Reference Getter Setter Method Q37232868

6.2 Make the following improvements/updates to your class youcreated in 6.1

  1. Use the this reference for all your getter andsetter methods
  2. Use the this reference in your paremeterizedconstructor
  3. Make your default constructor call the parameterizedconstructor using the this() method
  4. Add a public static field called counter to your class. Thiscounter variable should be inialized to 0, and incrementedeverytime an object is created
  5. Override the toString() method to return aString representation of your object.(One string containing all theobject’s data) Test this method out in the main method
  6. Override the equals() method. The methodshould return true if the calling object has the same values forall fields of the

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