Answered One Already Use Python Solutions Python Work Q37076614

You answered this one already, but did you use Python? All theother solutions with Python do not work.


userNum = int(input(‘Enter integer:n’))print(‘You entered: ‘ + str(userNum))print(str(userNum) + ‘ squared is ‘ + str(userNum * userNum))print(‘And ‘ + str(userNum) + ‘ cubed is ‘ + str(userNum * userNum * userNum) + ‘ !!’)userNum2 = int(input(‘Enter another integer:n’))print(str(userNum) + ‘ + ‘ + str(userNum2) + ‘ is ‘ + str(userNum + userNum2))print(str(userNum) + ‘ * ‘ + str(userNum2) + ‘ is ‘ + str(userNum * userNum2))

Enter integer: You entered: 4 4 squared is 16 And 4 cubed is 64! Enter another integer: 5 4 5 is 20



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