Baisic C Define Linked List Node Include Char Produce 20 Char Type 20 Char Soldby 20 Float Q37055827

in baisic C:

-Define a linked list node to include:

char produce[20];

char type[20];

char soldBy[20];

float price;

int quantityInStock;

struct produceItem *next;

– Provide the user a menu of the following options:

1. Stock Produce Department

// call function to read in the data file

2. Display Produce Inventory ~ Stack

// call function to display the data in the format shown infigure

3. Display Produce Inventory ~ Queue

// call function to display the data in the format shown infigure

4. Pop off 10 elements of stack writing each element to outputfile Assignment8Output.txt

// call function to pop off 10 elements and write each elementto the output file

5. Dequeue 15 elements of queue writing


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